Painters Ideas to style Your Bedroom

From the contractor’s and tradesmen themselves comes the hottest tips and tricks including painters ideas to give your home a lift and if you can’t find what your looking for in this post then contact us where our team will nee happy to give you advice and suggestions.

From my experience you take on board painters ideas as they see so many different properties that they have seen it all. Like a gaming themed room, arcade room, hand prints on the walls of the family members and more. 

Make sure your curtains are the opposite colour or secondary colour in your room compared to the wall paint, Ensure you have pictures up or a feature wall to avoid the boring theme most people have in their property. We have heard this from a lot of letting agents when they take pictures of a property before renting or selling just ask them yourself at and they will describe many of the different themes they have seen in decor of a home.

From one of our interior designers she said ‘keep it simple’ or ‘grey goes with everything’ and we would agree. Our last job we just did was a grey and yellow theme which actually works very well. 

Floating beds is a good way to go, Spotlights also help to give good designs.